


Playlist details

3D Animattion

Custom 3d Visualization
Custom 3d Visualization
Custom 3d Visualization

Our Content

4 Video

  1. Chemical reaction
  2. Types of chemical reactions
  3. Corrosion and rancidity
1. Chemical reaction
2. Types of chemical reactions
3. Corrosion and rancidity

4 Video

  1. Nutrition in human beings
  2. Respiration
  3. Transportation in plants
  4. Excretion
1. Nutrition in human beings
2. Respiration
3. Transportation in plants
4. Excretion

3 Video

  1. Modes of reproduction
  2. Sexual reproduction in plants
  3. Sexual reproduction in humans
1. Modes of reproduction
2. Sexual reproduction in plants
3. Sexual reproduction in humans

4 Video

  1. Reflection of light
  2. Refraction of light
  3. Spherical mirror
  4. spherical lens
1. Reflection of light
2. Refraction of light
3. Spherical mirror
4. Spherical lenses

4 Video

  1. Electric current
  2. Electric potential and potential difference
  3. Ohm’s law
  4. Resistance
  5. Heating Effect of current
1. Electric current
2. Electric potential and potential difference
3. Ohm's law
4. Resistance
5. Heating effect of current

7 Video

  1. Magnetic field and magnetic field lines
  2. Magnetic field due to current
  3. Magnetic field due to circular loop
  4. Solenoid
  5. Electric motor
  6. Electric generator
  7. Electromagnetic induction
1. Magnetic field and magnetic field lines
2. Magnetic field due to current
3. Magnetic field due to circular loop
4. Solenoid
5. Electric motor
6. Electric generator
7. Electromagnetic induction